Thursday 21 February 2013

Gruntz Game 2

Another trial run of Gruntz at the club this week.  Both my and Adam's forces had a bit more paint on them this week, although terrain was still at a minimum.

This week, we added in some sci-fi gubbins to our vanilla forces; Adam had some spider drones with shield generators (Phantom Menace anyone?) and some speeder bikes (ok, he's taking the piss with the pseudo Star Wars stuff now.)  I, on the other hand, picked a quad mech and some support heavy weapons.  This game demonstrated just how poor individual units of Gruntz can be, while how devastating template support weapons can be.

A typical Gruntz unit card, pinched off the net.

Both our forces, although similarly organised, are evolving in different ways.  I have a light infantry force with conventional weapons, tracked armour and piloted mechs, whereas Adam has gone for medium infantry with lots of Grav and AI/Remote support.  I originally wanted to have a core of five light infantry units, but I honestly don't think I'll ever use more than three.  On the other hand, I'll certainly need a few more support options and some heavy infantry to support what I already have. All our current models are by Ground Zero Games and, considering the amount on the table, are great value.

Statistic boffins might be interested in the key difference between our forces.  Both forces have Veteran Shoot values of 5, to hit an opponent, roll 2D6 and add their skill value, hoping to at least match the target's Guard statistic.  As my guys are light infantry, they have a Guard value of 13, so my enemy will need an eight on 2D6.  Adam's medium infantry are only Guard 12, so I'll hit them on a seven up.  To kill (or Wax) an enemy model, the attacker rolls 2D6 and adds his weapon's Damage value, 5 in both our armies, needing to match or beat the enemy's Soak value. As his forces are more heavily armoured (13) I need an eight on 2D6 to Wax a model, however as my force is more lightly armoured, Adam only need a seven on 2D6.  So that's sevens then eights or eights then sevens.  According to my rudimentary stats calculations, I'm coming out just ahead on probability (as well as on the table!)

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